Thehunter call of the wild pc game
Thehunter call of the wild pc game

thehunter call of the wild pc game thehunter call of the wild pc game

Create a backup of existing save data if file operations is one of your listed weaknesses!.Finally, it may help to first delete the contents of the (Random 17 digit number) folder before copying over the replacement files if issues should arise with any of the "full" installations (not applicable if only replacing the found_icons_*files).DO NOT select "New Game" as it will reset all progress and undo any previous file operations. For players new to the title, at the Main Menu screen, choose either " Continue" or " Select Reserve" option.You can then fast travel to those outpost locations, but will still require that you claim them in order to use the amenities provided.

thehunter call of the wild pc game

However, this will likely remove any other discovered icons you may have found. Alternatively, as of the date of upload, copying the numbered found_icons_* files in the archive will add the outpost icons to your map.Copy the contents of the archive into your Documents -> Avalanche Studios -> COTW -> Saves -> (Random 17 digit number) folder.Hopefully this helps recapture a bit of that freedom. For those that remember, DH2005 was glorious in that you could choose anywhere on the map to begin your hunt. However, I found it to be little too much in regards to progressing through the maps, especially for a more casual sort of title. I don't mind the exploration aspect of the title. Unfortunately, the game developers didn't know where to draw the line. I appreciate a good simulator as much as the next guy (IL2 Sturmovic, Falcon BMS, gMotor Engine, ArmA Series (ACE), etc). To date, all of "theHunter" titles suffer from this game design flaw. One of the more annoying aspects of this game is the tedious grind.

Thehunter call of the wild pc game